Course Open.
Ladies News

Welcome to our web page.The Ladies section has been in existence since 1926.

A ladies’ committee plan and organise competitions, handicaps and events for the section; but we work in partnership with all other sections in the Club (Mens, Seniors and Juniors).

In addition to the golfing events, there are several social events at Dartford, including an annual coffee morning, spring dinner, Captain’s ball and Christmas event. Our Lady Captain drives-in on the first Tuesday in November, when everyone is invited to join her for breakfast before participating in her first competition in office.

If you would like more information on the Club or Section please do not hesitate to email or ring the Manager who will answer any queries and arrange for you to visit the Club and meet existing members.

As of 1 May 2022 we have
Full playing lady members and nine hole lady members Junior female members. Everyone is encouraged to participate and join in with the section. We pride ourselves on being a very friendly club and welcome new members whatever age or ability.
Scheduled in the calendar are
- At least 4 EG medals, stablefords and 9 hole stablefords on both Tuesdays and Saturdays every month excluding December and January. 9 major competitions. - Ladies Championship. - Both ladies and mixed knock-out competitions. - Invitation and Away day competitions. - Participation in Kent Pearson and other Kent Knock-outs. - Participation in Annodata Cup, Daily Mail foursomes, Ping and Peugeot competitions. - Friendly matches against other local clubs in the area. - Winter fun competitions.